The Bond of the Sword


The Bond of the Sword - Bond of War Book 1

The Bond of the Sword

(The Bond of War Book 1)


Paperback: 531 pages

AUTHOR: Travis Perry with Cindy Koepp.

A father recounts the events that led to brutal combat in the Second Dragon War, a chain of happenings that began with his entry into the Tournament of Swords as a teen, as a member of a team lead by his uncle Haelin. Through fires of hardship -at time as sword student, a bandit, a prisoner, a soldier. and a leader of men in combat- Therin learns the most important lessons were those his Uncle sacrificed so much to teach him.

Bond of the Sword  was conceived of by Travis Perry and has some connections with his personal military experiences (which were with the US Army).  Cindy Koepp helped finish the book, especially the middle third. It’s a tale drawn from a combination of Travis's own war zone impressions and observations of warfare, along with his studies of historic combat, plussed up by Cindy's experience with martial arts, sword fighting, and storytelling. Therin, the main character, narrates his personal experiences in the Second Dragon War to his son in a tale that contains graphic descriptions of combat and mild profanity, in the context of a coming-of-age story culminating in a war in which ordinary soldiers battle dragons… at a very high cost.


Perry and Koepp craft a sweeping tale of valor,
adventure, and dragons. A must read!
The Bond of the Sword is a sober, riveting,
coming of age tale filled with large scale battles
with a unique look at both warfare and dragons.
Parker J. Cole
USA Today Bestselling Author

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