This textbook develops an 18-week program designed for teachers to guide prospective students through creating their own speculative fiction story, that is, a science fiction, fantasy, or horror story.
Designed for homeschoolers and small-school settings, this textbook draws on excerpts from dozens of speculative fiction authors and writing experts.
It gives detailed information about genre, cultural world building, physical world building, plot, character, character arc, heroes, villains, sidekicks, bystanders, description, conflict and tension, editing and revising, "your first chapter," voice, words and worldview, science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
Each chapter in the course contains exercises for students (see the STUDENT EDITION), including extra credit activities, in addition to guiding the creating of an individual short story.
The teacher's edition includes a section on scope and sequence and contains answer keys and works fantastically combined with the Student Edition.
WRITING SPECULATIVE FICTION is an elective 18-week course that homeschoolers or traditional school teachers can use to encourage and foster creative writing in a student. It even includes pop quizzes and an answer key for teachers.
Every element of a fiction story is expounded on, and every conceivable (at least in my mind) fiction genre is covered. I was especially happy to see the chapter on editing and revising, which is something all of us could use no matter what age we are--student or writer.
As I read the volume, it occurred to me that a kid with no clue yet what he or she wants to write can delve into all the genres until they hit on the one that resonates with them. I wish I had taken this course when I was younger! I have it now, and it's already helping me in my writing.
Each chapter has plenty of excerpts from terrific fiction works to read and react to, along with activities and questions. As far as I can tell, everything you need to know about writing speculative fiction is in this book.
I know this book is great for students, but the teacher is going to want to use it as well to improve their own writing. Count on it!"
-E.E. Little.
This textbook is incredibly helpful and well put together. I found myself highlighting and note-taking like crazy. Explanations were clear, concise, and supplemented with sections from published speculative fiction novels. As a former homeschooler, I can absolutely recommend this for homeschool parents looking for a good textbook to teach the art of writing speculative fiction. And, even if you aren't homeschooled (or even currently in school), this book is certainly worth a read. I learned some new tips, was reminded of old ones, and came away feeling excited by the whole experience.
Also: This book includes a list of recommended readings for both nonfiction and fiction. It also includes helpful websites.
I say this as somebody who rarely reads textbooks or instructionals on creative writing: This book is an extremely helpful resource for teachers, students, and writers in general.
-Hannah Heat